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  • Kоmercbankas dalītо pakalpоjumu centra izveide

    Term Papers for university135 TOP 500

    Pēdējo desmitu gadu laikā vairāki uzņēmumi visā pasaulē samazināja savas izmaksas ievēšot Dalīto Pakalpojumu centrus, kur biznesa procesi tiek deligēti speciāli zveidotai ...

  • The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle

    Presentations for secondary school19  

    7. Happy future with healthy children If you are looking for a fertile future with lots of children, the gym is the place to go. Studies conducted by Harvard University ...

  • Portfolio of translator notes

    Summaries, Notes for university21  

    TASK I Latvia Individual - Taxes on personal income Last reviewed - 19 July 2022 Latvian residents ...

  • Comparison of two rival companies - Grindex and Olainfarm

    Research Papers for university11  

    Nowadays companies are producing almost identical products, and have almost identical opportunities to develop. Nevertheless, some of the companies manage to build products that ...

  • European Single Currency - Euro

    Research Papers for university21  

    The EU has grown in size with successive waves of accessions. As we all know euro became a new single currency of European Union on 1st January 1999, and entered circulation ...

  • Competitiveness of J/S Company "Kometa" in the World Market

    Term Papers for university75  

    The topic of dissertation “Competitiveness of J/S Company ‘Kometa’ in the world market” is essential, because competitiveness proves to be necessary prerequisite for success of any ...

  • Economic Terms in English

    Summaries, Notes for university2  

    1. activization aktivizēšana 2. methodology metodoloģija 3. transactions darījumi 4. loans aizdevumi 5. domestic vietējs 6. enterprises uzņēmējdarbība 7. effective ...

  • Euro as Currency

    Presentations for secondary school14  

    • Creation of more stable financial markets. • The difference in prices - particularly in the price level - should decrease. • Companies also have more freedom to borrow ...

  • Air Pollution in the Environment Around Us

    Essays for university2  

    Some people might disagree saying that painting bicycle lanes is a good way to spend the taxpayers’ money. Others might feel that our government should be spending more money on ...

  • My Life as an Immigrant Worker

    Essays for university6  

    Other problem that author will have as an immigrant is that author does not have the local language in this case author does not have Norwegian language skills. At some of the ...

  • Home Reading

    Research Papers for university10  

    Existing home sales – Number of previously constructed homes with a closed sale during the month. Existing homes (also known as home resales) are a large share of the market than ...

  • European Single Currency Euro

    Presentations for secondary school12  

    Euro Circulation 12 EU member States (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland ) + Guadeloupe, French ...

  • Ryanair Organisational Style from Postmodernist and Modernist Perspectives

    Research Papers for university7 Evaluated! 

    The modernism and postmodernism perspectives can be approached to Ryanair business models and strategies. Looking at the Ryanair organisational style today and back in 1988, when ...

  • Employed Children in Latvia and Turkey

    Presentations for secondary school33  

    Labour Code states that children under the age of 15 may not be employed in a full-time position. With the consent of a parent or guardian and following a medical examination, ...

  • Euro

    Research Papers for secondary school8  

    Initially an economic organisation, the European Community is now active in many other areas too. Te first practical step on the road to European integration was taken in 1951 with ...

  • Business Trip to France

    Presentations for secondary school21  

    Business Meetings Etiquette Conversation Apology for not knowing french is developing a relationship. Appointments should be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Knowledge ...

  • Dublina

    Presentations for elementary school12 Free! 

    Dublin can be divided into three areas: DA modern city with a heart of Trinity College, Dublin SW old town around the castle, north from Lifi district with impressive O'Konela ...

  • Wind Energy and Parks

    Summaries, Notes for university4  

    3. Wind energy in Latvia In Latvia theoretically possible wind energy per year is 32 x 1015 J (9 x 109 kWh). If there’s only a few percents used from this amount, it can satisfy ...

  • My Thoughts on the Introduction of the Euro after It Done in Latvia

    Essays for university1  

    Finally, to me as a consumer the introduction of euro has a negative impact, because I have gotten used to lats and re-evaluating to the euro requires of me doing complex ...

  • Effects of Euro: Slovenia

    Essays for university4  

    Conclusions 1. Technical adoption of euro in Slovenia went easy and without complications. 2. Slovenia got rights to step in the Eurozone very fast – two years after joining ...


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