His mother probably cared for the household, and when he married these tasks were the responsibility of his wife.
Drug habit-labelling
The dominant group of society is applying its experiences and culture and uses them as norms while measuring all other groups according to these norms. (Mullaly, p.149)
Who is not conforming to the norms is deviant and labelled as such. According to Moreau and Leonard, oppressed people often contribute to their oppression by socially withdrawing or engaging in other self-destructive behaviour, which in turn causes them to be rejected by others. This is observable on Joe's label as a drug addict, which resulted in stealing clothing from charity bins intended for poor people, making him feel even more unworthy and rejected by his community. Consequently, by society labelling deviants as belonging to a separate class and thereby expecting and eliciting the requisite behaviour from them, the deviance is maintained. (Fook,1993 p.11)