The world of television production, and the billions of dollars spent annually on the research, writing, designing, directing, filming, producing, and finally the duplication and distribution exist for one reason, entertainment of the masses. Recently, the Academy Award winning movie AGladiator@ placed its gilded finger on the pulse of this timeless truth as the senators discussed Caesar=s indulgent Colosseum circus. ARome is the people, and he who controls the people, controls Rome.@ At the same time, in a forsaken corner of the empire, Russell Crow=s character, the Gladiator, received the same instructions from a political figure of somewhat less stature. AWin the crowds, and you will win your freedom,@ to which the general-turned-slave replied, AI will win the crowds.@ From the annuals of antiquity, this same message now travels by satellite, coaxial cable, and through the airwaves. …