Favorite sayings:
1) "Who started all this?"
2) (Referring to where he was when various people were born, e.g.
When my sister Shirley was born in 1953 He was home on leave from Korea: "Look like to me ya'll need to get Muriel to the hospital;
hurry up and get that girl to the hospital"- every time for Shirley's b-day and any time in between
3) "Hey there!"
4) "Don't jump up and get married, got to give me time; let me know in advance; don't let me know at the last minute; I'm getting too old for surprises
5) "Pres Wolf" his buddy for life: Laurel & Hardy/Abbott & Costello
- where one went the other was not far behind; they were inseparable
How he helped us:
1) Driving lessons: down long one-lane driveway / Miss Blanche/ Mr. Pres Woltz; took us to get our license using his car; on the road lessons;
he sat in the back while nieces took over.