Human circulation has three elements, which are the heart, the blood vessels, and the blood. All together, this is known as the cardiovascular system. Blood, which is composed of fluid plasma, with erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets which circulate within the blood, and account for 40% of it. Blood Plasma is a complex solution of water made with metabolites & wastes, salts & ions, and proteins. Metabolites and wastes can be glucose, lipids, vitamins, hormones, and wastes which circulate with body cells. All of these are dissolved within the plasma. Salts and ions are present because plasma is a dilute salt solution. The main ions present in the plasma are sodium, chloride, bicarbonate as well as small amounts of others which include copper, potassium, and zinc. Because blood plasma is 90 percent water, when it passed by the cells of the body, the blood would lose most of its water by means of Osmosis.…