-Plot Summary: The Bean Trees follows the story of Marietta Greer who lived in Kentucky, but eventually drove away. On her way west, she arrives in Taylorville where she changes her name to Taylor and involuntarily is given an abused Native American baby girl whom she names Turtle. Then, in Tucson, she meets Mattie, who owns her own tire shop that doubles as a safe-house for illegal Native Americans. After working at the tire company for a while, Taylor releases an ad that she is searching for a roommate. She rooms with Lou Ann Ruiz and they become good friends. Her friendships grow with Turtle, Lou Ann, Mattie, Estevan, and Esperenza, the illegal Native Americans. The climax of the story is when Taylor risks her own safety to sneak Estevan and Esperenza into a safe church house in Oklahoma, and Estevan and Esperenza pose as Turtle's parents so Taylor can legally adopt her. …