The hypothesis was rejected that the sheep and the goat LDH show the most similarity to each other. The graph shows that the cow and the goat's LDH distance have the most similarity and thus it is most related to each other. The goat and the sheep's LDH moved 2cm from the origin. The horse's LDH traveled 3.2cm from the origin and is not related to any other of the tested mammals because the LDH traveled is not similar to any of the other mammals.
Weakness of the experiment included the fact that after the electrophoresis has run; two of our mammal serum did not show up. The goat and the horse serum were light and could not be read. Because of this we had to use another groups experiment results for the horse and the goat serum. Other weaknesses included the placement of the serum into the wells. If not enough serum was placed with a micropipetter then the results will vary.