True Judaism is in complete contrast to acceptance of abortion. The support for abortion that American Jewry's majority gives is a denial of all in Judaism that we claim to teach and value. Situations in which the Talmud permits abortions are exceedingly rare today. We Jews should be at the forefront of the pro-life battle. We must make the miracle of Hanukkah happen again. That miracle was the victory of love over hate, truth over falsehood, holiness over the profane, righteousness over evil, and the weak over the mighty. We, as a united Jewish people, must renew our dedication to the highest ideals of Hanukkah and to our God.
Examining in depth our beliefs about the definitions, attributes, and actions of God is an indispensable first step for guiding us in our understanding of why we should be a pro-life people.
Understanding God -- For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. Is. 55:8