Thirdly, another reason to not change the job is fear of failing. People suffering from job burnout feel doubts of their competence and professional skills. When facing with fears it is advisable to think about above mentioned health problems which can ruin life. Also, it is important to realize- job is very important part of life, and if a job make a person to stress or feel disgust, he is ruining his life. So, that is why fear only means one is afraid to become happier.
So, there are many reasons why people continue to work in a job which cause job burnout, such as a good salary, responsibility of paying bills, being responsible of kids, and fear of something new, and doubts of competence. However, all that do not matter, the most important things in life is health and well-being. Ofcourse, to work in profession which one is passionate about is one of the biggest pleasures in the world. And, Mark Twain said: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”