The Socratic Method is a form of teaching or arguing that is executed by asking leading questions to someone rather than just stating a conclusion or opinion outright. The broad goal of the Socratic Method is to ultimately have the person who is being asked the questions personally figure out, disagree with, or agree with whatever it is that is being debated by themselves. Such a method, which is adopted by Socrates in The Republic, is essential in philosophy because it is the only way to acquire wisdom or insight-virtues that cannot be physically or verbally transferred to another-is from within. Socrates believes that people have the raw materials within to figure out philosophical questions; they just need to channel them. That idea is the basis behind his belief that a teacher should not merely insert knowledge into an empty mind, but rather help individuals harness the raw materials they already posses to find "truths" in life. According to Socrates the human mind, much like the varying definitions of justice, is overwhelmed with confusion and jumble.…