High Schools' Should Make Condoms Available to Students
One of today's growing arguments is whether or not condoms should be distributed in high schools. Should schools take the responsibility and make it easy for teens to obtain a condom? Should schools encourage safe sex, or only push for abstinence? These are some of the questions parents and for me being a parent I have to ask myself in when deciding for or against condoms in high schools. And by looking around my own environment and what is plainly to see many teenagers are having sex and having life altering results such as contracting STDs and becoming a teenage parent. Thus, I feel condoms should be distributed in high schools.
Distributing condoms in high schools is a controversial topic that deals with the high percentage of young teenagers having sex, and what is the best way to protect them from getting pregnant and getting diseases. Responsible adults can preach about abstinence and hope that a youth is listening, or society can deal with reality, knowing teens are having sex and teach them how to protect themselves.