Inequality exists in all spheres and is found in different forms. The struggle that the others have to endure does not always end triumphantly, however, for those like Bill and the alien, the degree of their gruesome digression leaves them impotent and prone to a downfall. Although all characters fought their social confinement, only some were able to break free of the chains unscathed. Emotional and psychological injuries may have accrued, but the reward for the effort of individuals, such as Clarisse and Ripley, far surpass the grievances. Both women were able to crash through the glass ceiling of society and establish themselves as powers to be taken seriously. Hannibal remains a mystery, and similar to Bill and the alien, exists as a catalyst for the female protagonist's growth. Both Silence of the Lambs and Aliens serve to challenge and question the rigid societal restraints placed upon each gender.…