The short story ‘The Birthday of the Infanta’ by Oscar Wilde is about a little Dwarf who has been sold to entertain the Infanta on her birthday. He has never seen himself in the mirror, and, when he finally does and realizes that he looks grotesque and loathsome, all his illusions are shattered, and the revelation that the one person who he thought loved him had in fact had only laughed at him breaks his heart, both physically and emotionally.
The story is a 3rd person narrative, and the narrator is limited omniscient because the story is told from the point of view of the Dwarf, revealing his innermost thoughts, memories and feelings, and the narrator really knows this character, while he does not seem to know what is going on in the other characters’ heads. However, the narrator shows his attitude towards the other characters through different verbs, adjectives and adverbs when describing their actions.…