“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” Those words about colonization once said a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and criticChinua Achebe.Colonizers in this case always will be the hunters, the lions.It is easy to judge about colonization’s rights and wrongs, but really was it so bad?Have you ever thought how would look our world map if there wasn’t colonization? How different world around us would be? How about languages in our lives, English, French, Spanish and many others? So many questions that helped me realize more and more how important the colonization actually was.Of course, we always can find many different opinions about positive and negative sides of colonization. Like, on Sukarno’s, the first President of Indonesia, opinionis that colonization and imperialism was bad. He hated imperialism and he despised colonialism. He even admitted that he is afraid from results of colonization. He believed that Indonesian nation, and all other parts of world, should not be toys for others who want to be in charge. I think colonization of Africa and India is great part of British history because it brought new experiences for all involved parties, like African or Indian people, and British; helped Britain’s to significantly increase their economic growth with trade, and made English language to be main language in politics and economics. Therefore, in this essay I will describe generally about colonization and then I will look into more closely about colonization in Africa and India