Ideals such as freedom of speech and equality before the law were destroyed with the creation of the "Law of Suspects" and the "Law of Prairial". Freedom of speech was eradicated for the fear of being named a counterrevolutionary. Freedom of the press was destroyed for the same fear. People who dared oppose this, such as Desmoulins with the publication of his journal-which aimed for moderation in government excesses and violence, were publicly murdered.
The executions of Political leaders who opposed Robespierre such as Desmoulins, Danton and the Herbertists directly ignored the ideal of freedom from arbitrary arrest.
In the search for a united, democratic and equal society, France had created one of fear, speculation and oppression. Although at first the Terror was used in conjunction with the ideals, in the end the search for "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" was forgotten by those in power, and the Terror was indeed the triumph of violence of ideals.