The Dangers of Smoking Cigarettes:
How Smoking Effects Your Health and Others
According to the American Heart Association there are an estimated 50 million Americans who smoke (1). Smokers say, by smoking relieves them of stress and relaxes and comforts them. In recent years it has been proven that the only thing smoking does is shorten a person's life. Despite, all the warnings by the surgeon general that quitting smoking may greatly reduce serious risks to your health, people still manage to find a excuse to quit smoking (American Heart Association 1). Furthermore, the hazardous ingredients in cigarette tobacco has many dangerous effects on your health and the health of others.
First of all, there are many hazardous ingredients in cigarette tobacco. Some of the ingredients are poisonous and addictive. Cigarette smoke produces thousands of chemicals that are hazardous to a smoker's health. There are over 4000 chemicals produced by a burning cigarette. …