The Jungle as named by Upton Sinclair is an interesting story, describing the hardships, obstacles, as well as good times immigrants face when coming to the United States. I believe the title "The Jungle" was chosen to give mist, and almost a sense of secrecy to the book, compelling the reader to experience the novel in order to find a purpose behind the name. The title "The Jungle" describes the personality, and character of not only the actual setting of Chicago, but the people that dwell within as well. This book caters to those who don't, and wont except the fact that the American Dream is only what we hope for it to be. The truth behind the American dream lies distinctly in the heart of this story. This blunt array of thought Sinclair has spilled into this novel will cause the reader to second guess their thoughts and beliefs of the candy coated ring of flesh and blood we call America. In this report I will be painting vivid pictures of "The Jungle", and supplying the reader with an abundance of opinionated statements; as well as the reasons this novel has withstood the test of time.…