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ID number:145278
Published: 17.09.2024.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2021 - 2025 years

A good teacher is someone who motivates students to always do their best. But a great teacher is someone who changes students' lives and molds their character, helping them become successful and respectful individuals.
I was lucky to have a teacher in 9th grade who really pushed and believed in me. Her name was Marija Priede, and she taught literature at 75th Riga school. She sparked my passion for reading and influenced my future with her books.
Her intelligence and the way she thinks have really inspired me to dig deeper into things. We've read so many different books that seemed like simple stories but actually had a lot more going on. I think if I had a different teacher to explain those books, I wouldn't have understood anything about them.

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