Language is very much associated in what we think of as culture. There are very few places where this is more true than to Ireland. Language is very much part of our national identity, yet it has almost entirely died out despite numerous attempts to revive it. The questions that arises in this context from these two plays are; is it necessary to speak Irish to be truly Irish, and should language be sacrificed in the name of progress or is language part of the progress of the culture that it inhabits and finally is it necessary to speak Irish to be truly Irish? In these two plays we get two very differing viewpoints on the study of language, and in particular the Irish language. They differ in the fact that one studies the death of the language from a modern point of view, while the other sentimentalises the language and the people that use it. "The Playboy of the Western World" uses language to inadvertently portray us in the way that we think that we were and are, while "Translations" uses language to show how far from ourselves we have come.
In "Translations" we see language as empowering, as it is through language that we create an identity for ourselves. Throughout the play, language is shown as not just a tool of expression, but also a receptacle for the past, and a means of constructing a culture. …