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  • This Essay Is about how the Theme of Believing in Dreams, Is Central to the Novel Shoeless Joe and Applies to Three Main Characters


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:554011
Published: 14.01.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Dreams do come true! The theme of dreaming and never giving up on your dreams is central to Shoeless Joe and is shown in J.D Salinger, Eddie Scissons, and Ray Kinsella. All three of these characters have a dream of some sort. Each one of their dreams somehow relates to baseball. Because they keep their dreams in mind and never give up hope, their dreams come true in this novel. For each of the three previously mentioned characters, their dreams are vastly important and this is how the theme applies to them.
J.D Salinger is the famous writer who appears in the novel Shoeless Joe. In the novel he like many others has a dream. Salinger's dream was to play a baseball game at the Polo Grounds, which was a ballpark in New York City and was torn down in the early 20th century. …

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