In 1792, during the French Revolution, a figure named the Scarlet Pimpernel saved many aristocrats from the French. Using daring plots and disguises he escaped from the French and his archenemy, Chauvelin.
The main characters in this story are Lady Marguerite St.Just, Sir Percy Blakenley, Sir Andrew Ffoulkes, Chauvelin, Armand St. Just, and Mr. Jellyband.
Sir Percy Blakenley was a good-looking and well-bred Englishman. He was a young man, taller than average, broad-shouldered and massively built. To conceal his identity as The Scarlet Pimpernel he assumed the manners of a fop with a nonsensical conversation and a perpetual inane laugh. In reality, he was the bravest, most honorable, daring and intelligent man in all of Europe, who risked his life for the sake of others.