My perspective of adolescence is it being an observable factor throughout the globe ranging from ages twelve to nineteen. It is in the life cycle that teens begin to try to demonstrate their mature status and gain autonomy over their lives. The fact that teens are not yet adults often causes them to "act out" (engage in delinquent behavior) in order to show that they are capable of making decisions for themselves rather than letting mom and dad do it for them. "Delinquency increases from early adolescence to mid-adolescence and declines sharply by late adolescence." This reckless behavior is supposedly caused by "heightened egocentrism and/or sensation seeking" during the teenage the damage done in the younger years of a person's life can last throughout the older years (well into adulthood) and even transcend into the lives of their offspring. Often the complexity of premarital sex, violence, and drug use causes life-long problems that cannot be erased, such as teen pregnancy, addiction and in some cases death. The first two items on the before mentioned sentences can branch off into other tribulations. The major task of adolescence is to become 'your own person'.…