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ID number:631664
Published: 23.08.2024.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Used

"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe is more than just an exciting adventure on a deserted island it's a deep dive into human experiences, exploring the impact of solitude on the human mind. At its core, the novel describes the theme of loneliness, presenting it in various dimensions through the solitary stay of the main character. Robinson Crusoe isolated on a desert island, serves as the man through whom Defoe explores the complex interaction between physical isolation and the sphere of psychological loneliness. As the narrative unfolds, readers step into Crusoe's world, experiencing the wild nature and the lonely atmosphere. The once desert island transforms into a place where Crusoe confronts the challenges of solitude. Robinson Crusoe faces numerous difficulties when confronted with loneliness on the island. The essay will explore the theme of loneliness in Daniel Defoe's novel “Robinson Crusoe”, analyzing both the physical isolation experienced by the protagonist and the psychological consequences of loneliness.…

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