The social economy is about people and their needs. This sector considers different organisations such as community
enterprises, credit unions, housing associations, co-operations and partnerships. The goal of social economy is to
create society that is inclusive, more self-aware and encourages equal opportunities to everyone (Amin, Cameron, &
Hudson, 2002).
The social enterprise in the third sector is relatively a new concept. The social enterprise is form of a business, which
has social or/and environmental aim (Spear, Cornforth & Aiken, 2009). Social enterprises must meet specific criteria.
In the UK there are 4 definite characteristics.
Organisation generates at least 25 % or 50% of their revenue from its trading goods(Spear, et al., 2017).
The goal of social enterprise is to benefit the community and/or environment (Spear, et al., 2017).
Any financial surplus they have are reinvested back into community (Ridley-Duff & Bull, 2016). By the UK
government law, it is said to be 50% (Spear, et al., 2017).
Some business might incorporate self-identification criterion. It helps to self-evaluate whether businesses see
themselves in the future as fulfilling fully social or environmental aims (Spear, et al., 2017)…