English and Lifelong Learning
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Introduction | 4 | |
Chapter 1. | Notion of Lifelong learning | 6 |
Chapter 2. | Main Bodies that Form the Framework of Lifelong learning | 9 |
2.1. | he European Union (EU) | 10 |
2.2. | The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) | 11 |
2.3. | The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) | 11 |
2.4. | The Council of Europe | 12 |
2.5. | Lifelong learning in Latvia | 12 |
Chapter 3. | Learning and Teaching the English Language to Adults | 14 |
Chapter 4. | Results of the Survey | 20 |
Conclusions | 22 | |
Theses | 24 | |
Bibliography | 25 | |
Appendix | 27 | |
Glossary | 30 |
Education is one of the most important fields of public interest. It is very hard nowadays to survive in the real life without having graduated from some higher educational establishment. All people need and want to study, that is why throughout the world, - the post-secondary learning market has become one of today’s growing markets. It has also encouraged the author to choose such a topic to be investigated in the present paper. However, the main aim is to prove whether it is easy or hard for people in age to study the English language.
The theme of this term paper is Lifelong learning (LLL). The goal of the present paper is to introduce people with LLL – explain what exactly it is and how it influences the whole society, no matter what kind of LLL policy would be adopted.
Once LLL was an issue of a political and idealistic struggle, but now it seems to be accepted mainstream and it is becoming even more popular, because a lot of adults still want to study, continue studying or finish their incomplete education. During the last 3 – 4 decades LLL has developed very fast all over the world and that proves LLL to be useful and needed among adults also because of the increasing value of education nowadays.
To prove all the above-mentioned, the following tasks were set: 1) to study the available information on the subject and to carry out a selective analysis of the theoretical sources relevant to the topics investigated in the paper; 2) to look at the development of LLL in different European countries and also native Latvia, too; 3) to deal with new approaches developing the project of LLL.…
( Angļu valoda un mūžizglītība) Education is one of the most important fields of public interest. It is very hard nowadays to survive in the real life without having graduated from some higher educational establishment. All people need and want to study, that is why throughout the world, - the post-secondary learning market has become one of today’s growing markets. It has also encouraged the author to choose such a topic to be investigated in the present paper. However, the main aim is to prove whether it is easy or hard for people in age to study the English language. The theme of this term paper is Lifelong learning (LLL). The goal of the present paper is to introduce people with LLL – explain what exactly it is and how it influences the whole society, no matter what kind of LLL policy would be adopted. Once LLL was an issue of a political and idealistic struggle, but now it seems to be accepted mainstream and it is becoming
- Communicative Approach in Language Teaching and Learning
- English and Lifelong Learning
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