Language Choice and Language Learning
Research Papers60 Pedagogy, Psychology, Linguistics, Interpreting
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
1. | Abstract | 4 |
2. | Summary | 4 |
2.1. | Polish summary | 4 |
2.2. | Danish summary | 5 |
2.3. | English summary | 5 |
3. | Introduction | 6 |
4. | Motivation | 6 |
5. | Problem formulation | 7 |
5.1. | Research question | 7 |
5.2. | Sub-questions | 7 |
6. | Dimensions | 7 |
7. | Delimitations | 7 |
8. | Historical Part | 8 |
8.1. | The Republic of Poland | 8 |
8.2. | History of Poland | 9 |
8.3. | Soviet Union | 10 |
8.4. | Second World War | 10 |
8.5. | Berlin Wall | 11 |
8.6. | European Union | 11 |
9. | Text & Sign | 13 |
9.1. | The language | 13 |
9.2. | Acquisition of second language | 17 |
9.2.1. | Internal acquisition factors | 18 |
9.2.2. | External acquisition factors | 18 |
9.3. | Lingua franca | 19 |
9.4. | Multilingualism and Bilingualism | 19 |
9.5. | Maximal and minimal | 19 |
9.6. | Multilingual Europe | 19 |
10.1. | Psychology of motivation | 20 |
10.2. | Btion in learning language | 22 |
10.3. | Introduction to our research | 30 |
10.4. | An interview | 31 |
10.5. | The research. Methodology | 35 |
10.5.1. | Participants | 35 |
10.5.2. | Questionnaire and procedure | 35 |
10.5.3. | Pilot research | 36 |
10.6. | Results | 37 |
10.6.1. | Which language (L2 and L3) do/did people learn until and after 1989? | 37 |
10.6.2. | Every day life and usage language L2/L3 | 39 |
10.6.3. | Why did/do you learn foreign language? Motivators | 40 |
10.6.4. | SPSS. Statistic analysis – the mathematical perspective | 46 |
10.7. | Discussion | 52 |
10.7.1. | Methodological problems. Findings and discussion | 52 |
10.7.2. | Questions after research | 53 |
10.7.3. | Do our respondents assess their own language skills accurately? | 54 |
10.7.4. | What else, except from the motivation, does influence on language skills? | 55 |
A linguistic intelligence. Language abilities. The attention | 55 | |
10.7.5. | Usefulness of our project. Who and where can use our results | 56 |
10.7.6. | References to interview. Which foreign languages are popular nowadays? Renaissance of Russian | 58 |
10.7.7. | Bilingualism | 59 |
10.7.8. | Lingua Franca | 60 |
11. | General conclusion | 62 |
12. | A special section required by the progression two year frame | 63 |
13. | A critical reflection on the group’s working process | 64 |
14. | References | 65 |
Attachments | 65 |
3. Introduction.
Poland as a land between crossroads of Easter and Western Europe has been influenced a lot by different historical, political and cultural aspects of both, East and West (CNN, 2008). The changes and influences during the last century have been very rapid and are still on- going, increasing. People within one/two generations must have changed and developed their point of view and position in the global society in a very short period of time. Where does their motivation to learn the languages derive from? Is that internal or external motivation or maybe convergence of both. As the first world’s ministry of Education was created in Poland back in 1773 we assume that this country must have strong roots in the importance of education, including language learning. By the processes of Europeanization ones communication skills like knowledge and acquisition of foreign languages are becoming more and more important, necessary and required, especially if to make the population more equal with the same opportunities and not cause linguistic handicaps in the current situation of internationalization, globalization etc. (Phillipe Van Parijs, 2004)
4. Motivation.
Our main motivation/aim is to achieve wider knowledge on psychology of motivation and process of language obtaining. How different factors like history, culture or life conditions influence the acquisition of a foreign languages. Moreover, how the above mentioned factors could influence the process of bilingualism, multilingualism, learning foreign languages and lingua franca. How processes like internationalization, Europeanization and globalization influence current linguistic situation and future language trends.
5. Problem formulation.
5.1 Research question
How does the fast necessity to obtain the English language during the rapid change from the Soviet Union& communism to the European Union in the post-soviet countries like Poland has influenced language learning?
5.2. Sub-questions.
• Why and how do we learn languages?
• How has the factors of motivation and learning of foreign languages in Poland changed after the II World War?
• How does this motivation matters in different social levels/ urban and rural areas?
• How has the “lingua franca” been perceived in the particular region?
• What are the future language trends?
• How to motivate people to learn more new languages and choose the “right” languages?
Project report. Difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to learn foreign language in Poland before 1989 and after 1989. We investigated two generations of Poles between 22 – 60. We were interested if there are any differences between these two groups of motivation aspect. We also wanted to check if intrinsic motivation can have a positive influence on the level of foreign language learning. The study involved 62 people. The questionnaire constituted the research tool. We also made an interview with Professor Lucyna Aleksandrowicz–Pędich in order to compare her point of view with results of our investigation.
- Communicative Approach in Language Teaching and Learning
- English and Lifelong Learning
Language Choice and Language Learning
Research Papers60 Pedagogy, Psychology, Linguistics, Interpreting
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