Liqueur Brand "Coebergh" Penetrate a Foreign Market
Research Papers51 Economics, Marketing, Advertising, Business
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Summary | 5 | |
Explanation of terms | 7 | |
List of Symbols | 8 | |
Introduction chapter 1 | 9 | |
1. | Country position in world trade | 10 |
1.1. | Germany’s position within global trade | 10 |
1.2 | Romania‘s position within global trade | 11 |
1.3. | Brazil’s position within global trade | 12 |
1.4 | Egypt’s position within global trade | 13 |
1.5 | Netherlands position within global trade | 15 |
2 | The macro filter in four countries | 16 |
2.1 | Germany | 16 |
2.2 | Romania | 19 |
2.3 | Brazil | 22 |
2.4 | Egypt | 24 |
2.5 | Strong and weak points of „Coebergh” | 26 |
Introduction chapter 3 | 27 | |
3.1. | Germany | 27 |
3.2 | Romania | 30 |
3.3. | Brazil | 32 |
3.4 | Egypt | 34 |
3.5 | The Netherlands | 36 |
Conclusion chapter 3 | 39 | |
Introduction chapter 4 | 41 | |
Coebergh- Penetrate a foreign market Group 7 4 | 41 | |
International Business and Management Studies 06.01.2011 | 41 | |
4.1 | Countries we choose | 41 |
4.2. | Countries we did not choose | 42 |
Introduction chapter 5 | 44 | |
5.1 | Germany | 44 |
5.2 | Brazil | 47 |
Conclusion chapter 5 | 50 | |
Introduction chapter 6 | 51 | |
6. | LEGAL PART | 51 |
6.1 | „Apple” (Without the EU) | 51 |
6.2 | „Siemens” (Within the EU) | 51 |
7. | FINAL ADVICE | 57 |
Conclusion | 59 | |
Bibliography | 60 |
This report provides the reader with different topics and analysis regarding a possible new market for the liqueur brand “Coebergh”. In order to select and penetrate a foreign market it is inevitable to make various analyses. So in this report the reader can find not only researches about economic factors and the marketing potential but also about the cultural and legal aspects. By means of these analyses it can be determined if expanding the brand to other countries is useful or useless or at least the risk can be reduced.
In the first chapter the position of the four countries (Germany, Egypt, Romania and Brazil) is analyzed and it gives a first impression of how attractive they are for the company. Although the information is more general it has already turned out at this point that the Netherlands and Germany have the strongest trade relations and are very experienced with trading with each other.
In a second step the focus lays on the strong and weak points of the chosen company “Coebergh” and we analyzed the development of the key macro environment indicators for our product concerning the four countries. This leads to a further insight of which market would be more appropriate for our product. Based on these findings we addressed opportunities and threats for each country. This chapter gives also an overview of the economic situation and the purchasing power in these countries which play an important role. This second step represents a central step in making the final decision.
The third part deals with the cultural analysis. Culture plays a big role in people‟s choice what they buy and how they perceive a foreign product. Furthermore it has to be recognized how complicated it is to establish trade contacts to these countries. Therefore all countries are compared to The Netherlands on the basis of the four dimensions of Hofstede. The most related countries to the Netherlands figured out to be the most suitable for establishing trade relations because this makes it easier to enter.
After dealing with this information about the four countries it was required to exclude two countries which are, based on our analysis, less attractive for our company. The favorite countries are Germany and Brazil after this step because they offer the best environment for selling “Coebergh”.…
Šis ir kusra darbs priekš IBMS (Starptautiskā bisnesa un menedžmenta studijas). Darbā tiek izpētīa vieglā alkohola kompānija "Coebergh" un tiek analizētas citu valstu ekonomiskās situācijas, pozīcija pasaules tirgū, tiek analizēta valstu kultūra, meso analīze. Darba mērķis ir atlasīt un izlemt kurā ārvalstu tirgū "Coebergh" iekļūt, balstoties uz nepieciešamajiem pētijumiem.
Liqueur Brand "Coebergh" Penetrate a Foreign Market
Research Papers51 Economics, Marketing, Advertising, Business
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