• Money transfer is the most common form of payment;
• In the International trade the following types of settlements are used: Payment by cash, prepayment, post-paid, cheque in settlement, letter of credit and documentary collections. They are different and each one of them has its own pros and cons;
• In Latvia most popular forms of settlements - cash payments, money transfers, payment cards;
• A couple of years ago payment cards were not popular enough. In turn, almost every Latvian and worlds citizen has one of the bank cards.
• The most commonly used international payment cards are - VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. Payment cards supplement cash;
• There is a need to inform the Latvian companies on the payment method as letter of credit. There is a need to organize seminars where banks could explain the nature and process of L/C, also how to provide a payment with a credit letter for both importing and exporting;
• In addition to all of the above mentioned payment methods Latvian banks offer their customers to settle with electronic payments assistance. This type of settlement is relatively new and customers need time to become acquainted with it, however a large majority of customers use known and popular forms of payment, as their use is convenient and also fast, which saves much needed time. In addition, not everyone has access to the Internet and telephone;
• Both in Latvia and in the world various methods of payment are used, whose main task is to provide faster and more reliable settlements between customers, thus saving time and money;
• Buyers and sellers can use a variety of payment methods. By evaluating each settlements advantages and disadvantages the buyer or seller an choose the most attractive and convenient one;
• The most reliable method of payment between the seller and the buyer is cash settlement because the buyer transfers money of goods or services to the seller when receiving them;
• Internet Banking is the most convenient and fastest way to make payments and check account status without leaving your home; one only needs an internet connection or telephone.