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  • The Indices of Competence and Professionalism of the Organization of the Office Work

    Research Papers for university4  

    Our selected theme is: the indices of competence and professionalism of the office work organization. So that we hawe been studying the organization of the office work, then it ...

  • Kоmercbankas dalītо pakalpоjumu centra izveide

    Term Papers for university135 TOP 500

    Pēdējo desmitu gadu laikā vairāki uzņēmumi visā pasaulē samazināja savas izmaksas ievēšot Dalīto Pakalpojumu centrus, kur biznesa procesi tiek deligēti speciāli zveidotai ...

  • Cryptography for Dummies. A Primer on Crypto Basics

    Essays for university3  

    SUMMARY Network logons and password are the simplest way to keep unauthorized users off the network and sections of data which are not meant to share with others. Logons and ...

  • Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    Samples for university4  

    Number: ___________ To: Deutshe Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany From: _______________ Bank, Riga, Latvia Date: September 28, 1995 Attn.: Documentary Credit ...

  • Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    Samples for university4  

    Issue of Documentary Credit Form of Documentary Credit : Irrevocable Documentary Credit Number : VNO1950928 Date of Issue : 950928 Date and Place of Expire : Date ...

  • IRC and mIRC

    Research Papers for university6  

    Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is one of the most popular and most interactive services on the Internet. Sure, the Web is nice for finding information and E-mail beats snail mail hands ...

  • Glossary

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school22  

    Adverb A type of word that usually occurs as an adjunct to a VP or to a sentence. It most typically expresses such notions as time, place, manner, instrument, or circumstance. ...

  • Specimen of Letter of Credit Application

    Samples for university8  

    We request you to issue on our behalf and our account your irrevocable Credit in accordance with the above Instructions (marked 6 where appro- priate). This Credit will be subject ...

  • Sale/and-lease Back Contract

    Samples for university9  

    Present contract is concluded on ___ _________ 200__ at Riga between _________________________________, which is located at the address: ___________________, and is registered by ...

  • Translation of Manuals

    Research Papers for university12 Evaluated! 

    1. INTRODUCTION If you are looking for an instruction manual, user guide, operating instructions so that you can properly use something you have, it is important that manual is ...

  • Annotation

    Summaries, Notes for university5  

    Our selected theme is: the indices of competence and professionalism of the office work organization. So that we hawe been studying the organization of the office work, then it ...


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