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  • English Legal System. Angļu juridiskā sistēma

    Summaries, Notes for university18  

    Angļu juridiskai sistēmai piemīt viena ievērojama īpatnība, kas to atšķir gandrīz no juridiskām sistēmām visā pasaulē: tai nav ne civilkodeksā, ne kriminālkodeksa. Likumi daļēji ...

  • Legal Terms in English

    Summaries, Notes for secondary school2  

    Assassination (pasūtījumslepkavība) is murdering a public figure such as a king, a president, etc. Bribery and corruption ( korupcija) is offering money or gifts to ...

  • Glossary of Legal Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university8  

    Verbs and verb phrases to abolish – atcelt to accuse of – apsūdzēt to acquit - attaisnot to admit – atzīties to alienate - atsavināt to appropriate property – piesavināties ...

  • Law Worldwide

    Summaries, Notes for university13  

    Brainstorm Rules-noteikumi laws-likumi regulations-priekšraksti law codes-likuma kodeksi Lawgivers-likumam padotie legislators-likumdevējs Civil law- ...

  • English for Law

    Summaries, Notes for university16  

    Sources of Modern law 1.To impose fine-uzlikt naudas sodu 2.To break rules (law)-pārkāpt likumu 3.To suffer penalty-izciest sodu 4.To commit crimes-izdarīt noziegumu 5. ...

  • Police in the European Union

    Research Papers for secondary school5  

    In Lithuania the first police offices appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time Lithuania became a part of the empire of the tsar Russia after the third division ...

  • Interpol and Latvian Police

    Research Papers for university7  

    V. Conclusion. Today Interpol is the second biggest organization after NATO, so joining it is very important. Interpol gives big support for all its member countries – technical ...

  • Glossary of Legal Terms

    Summaries, Notes for university22  

    ... , righteousness” (Shapiro 126). zādzība theft “A criminal ...


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