Published: 04.03.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Leadership', 1.
  • Essays 'Leadership', 2.

Now, when I’m older, I understand, that being a leader isn’t easy, but for me, working in a team still isn’t easier as leading. I still can’t find my mission in life- to lead, or to follow. But I can say only one thing – to be, work in a team is really-really hard for me. When I’m in a team, I feel reserved, shy and I don’t even want to share my opinions and thoughts with others just because I’m not the leader. I try to do things on my own and only then I share it with others. I’m trying to change this in me, but it’s still hard.
To sum up, I want to say, that no mather who you are – you are still good in what you’re doing. The world needs leaders as much, as it needs followers. It’s a harmony, that can’t be changed. Not everyone needs to be a leader.

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