Mediation takes an important place in process of managing conflict. To my mind mediation goes through all steps of conflict management that are:
Analyzing the conflict
Determining management strategy
When analyzing the conflict, nature and type of it is being determined. This step might already involve mediator, especially in case when conflicting parts decide to voluntarily to apply mediation to solve the conflict. Analysis can also be done by mediator or other specialist.
When a general understanding of the conflict is being reached, the groups involved seek to analyze and select the most appropriate strategy. In some cases it may be necessary to have a neutral mediator to help involved groups reach solution. I think that in this stage appropriate mediator should be chosen. When type and nature of conflict is determined, parties should be advised what approach of mediation would be most appropriate for the case.
When preparing for negotiation is important to make proper ground for effective negotiation. Parties should be encouraged to negotiation. This is one of the most responsible tasks of mediator. If parties are not willing to negotiate, mediation most probably will not be successful or not take place at all.
When negotiating interests, needs, values, cultural differences or legal positions are discussed according to type of the conflict and mediation approach implemented. Satisfaction of parties’ interests, justice, or mutually agreeable solution is set as common goal. Mediator in some extent, according to mediation style practiced, leads parties to achieving this goal using all appropriate methods and techniques.
Post-mediation includes implementing decisions made in negotiation process. In this stage mediator could be participating to supervise the process so the parties do not mislead their self form agreement and new conflict do not rise.
Mediation process and techniques
Narrative mediation views stories as socially and culturally constructed. Mediation strives to reduce the influence of cultural narratives that limits peoples' efforts to understand each other. It seeks to create a context where diverse cultural perspectives are accepted by people in conflict. The mediation task is to assist people to overcome the divisiveness of a conflict by working with the stories in which the conflict is embedded rather than pursuing a real objective. Mediation considers how the impact of society influences the nature of conflict between individuals and groups and proposes that mediation is a mean for finding common ground within a conflict.
Darbā aprakstīta starpniecība konfliktu menedžmentā.Tāpat darbā aprakstītas un savstarpēji salīdzinātas dažādas starpniecības pieejas: narrative,transformative,evaluative,facilitative, kā arī starpnieka loma katrā no šīm pieejām. Latvijā darbs nav bijis iesniegts.