Strategic Management SIA "Madara Cosmetics"
2011 - 2015 years
Corporate level strategy
Concentrate in single business:
ecological and natural cosmetics
Can become very strong:
quality products
Unique ecological products
good advertisement
Can be risky (competition, unfavorable external factors)
MADARA cooperate with organic farms
Related diversification:
diversifies in similar areas to build upon existing divisions
Unrelated diversification:
buy business in new areas
Global level strategy
A single, standard product and marketing approach is used in all export countries:
MADARA natural cosmetics are known and appraised not only due to their unique ingredients and effect, but also due to the design created in Latvia
MADARA mission is to provide as many women in the world as possible with the opportunity to use natural, effective and safe cosmetics
Suggestions for improvement of strategic management
Extend the offer - beauty line for men;
Continuing to expand Madara cosmetic can make and lead to not very effective functioning of company, therefore it is important to think about how they will control shops, employees and other functions;
It is necessary to offer loyalty cards to customers - it will promote a closer relationship with the customer.
Prezentācija izstrādāta angļu valodā studiju kursa Stratēģiskā vadība ietvaros 2013. gadā. Izanalizēts SIA "Madara Cosmetics" uzņēmuma stratēģiskās vadīšanas mērķis un process, uzņēmuma konkurētspēja, konkurētspējīgā priekšrocība un tās avoti. Kā arī noteikti uzņēmuma darbības stratēģiskie virzieni, formulēti mērķi, izmantojot līdzsvarotās mērķēšanas metodi - izstrādātas funkcionālās, biznesa, uzņēmuma un globālā līmeņu stratēģijas (functional, business, corporate and global level strategies), kā arī veikta PEST analīze. Apskatītas uzņēmuma apgrozījuma un peļņas izmaiņas (2010-2012). Izstrādāti priekšlikumi stratēģiskās vadības pilnveidošanai uzņēmumā. Darbs novērtēts ar izcili.