• Continuous Quality Improvement Programs versus Process Reengineering


    Essays2 Management

Published: 29.09.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Continuous Quality Improvement Programs versus Process Reengineering', 1.
  • Essays 'Continuous Quality Improvement Programs versus Process Reengineering', 2.

In today's fiercely competitive environment quality must be emphasised through all aspects of the business, but this is more difficult than it sounds. Quality is not something that can simply be applied to a product, as there are various factors that contribute to achieving quality. So what is the best way for businesses to achieve high levels of quality?
In the past three decades Total Quality Management and Process Reengineering have emerged as popular quality management programs. These are both focused on achieving organisational change, however their goals and methods are clearly different, as I will later detail, firstly I will outline both programs using Ford as a case study.
Total Quality Management advocates consider it to be a philosophy, as it encompasses a new organisational way-of-life that emphasises the need for continuous improvement, and fulfilment of customer needs and expectations.

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