Published: 07.02.2011.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 20 units
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2000 - 2010 years
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 1.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 2.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 3.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 4.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 5.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 6.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 7.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 8.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 9.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 10.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 11.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 12.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 13.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 14.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 15.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 16.
  • Essays 'Energy Policy in the European Union and Germany', 17.
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    1
  The main aspects of the European Union energy policy    2
  The alternative sources of the energy used in the EU    3
  The EU energy suppliers    5
  The role of Germany in the European Union energy policy    6
  Prospects for the future    11
  Conclusion    14
  References    15

Energy has recently started to be in the centre of attention of the public and politicians
of the states for many reasons. It happens, because of a sharp instability of prices of energy
carriers, and problems with reliability of deliveries. In a more comprehensive sense, it is the issue of maintenance of countries power safety, use of new energy sources, its economical and ecological consequences of the prodigal conduct with power resources. The energy policy of the European Union – the many-sided phenomenon can be presented in various aspects.
In the European Union the huge role in energy providing sources is played by coal,
gas, oil, atomic engineering. Among others ways of acquiring energy, which are widely applicable we can mention both traditional kinds like the hydroelectric power, and the newest kinds connected with use of a wind power, the sun, the seas and oceans tides, a biomass,
workings out on thermonuclear synthesis1.
The EU countries in general are not provided with energy resources of their own origin
in volume sufficient for satisfaction of internal demand for energy. Europe is heavily dependent on oil and gas from external sources. Nowadays, fifty percent of European energy
is imported, mainly from Russia, the Middle East, Norway, and Algeria. And this figure can
increase to seventy percent if within the next 20–30 years adequate measures will not to be

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