Egyptian Mythology (religion of Ancient Egypt)
- Dominating influence in their culture's development
- Based on an unorganized collection of ancient myths, nature worship, innumerable deities
◦ Creation ( Based on the Egyptian belief )
- Only the ocean existed at first
- Ra, the sun, came out of an egg ( a flower, in some versions ) that appeared on the surface of the water
- Ra's four children: gods - Shu and Geb; goddesses - Tefnut and Nut
- Shu and Tefnut: became the atmosphere; they stood on Geb, who became the earth, and raised up Nut, who became the sky.
- Ra: over-all ruler
- Geb and Nut's two sons: Set and Osiris; two daughters: Isis and Nephthys
- Osiris: succeeded Ra as king of the earth; helped by Isis, his sister-wife
- Set: hated his brother and killed him
- Isis: embalmed Osiris' body with the help of the god Anubis
- Anubis: god of embalming
- Isis: resurrected Osiris through powerful charms