Maths Driving Test
The data used for my coursework was on driving tests. The information is in table form. The table ahs 6 headings;
"¨Number of 1 hour lessons
"¨Number of minor mistakes
From this spreadsheet I was able to find the average Number of 1-hour lessons and average number of minor mistakes.
The formulas used where:
=AVERAGE(B3:B74) This was used for Average number of hour lessons
=SUM(C3:C242)/227 This was used mean number of mistakes for all the instructors
=MAX(C3:C242)-MIN(C3:C242) This formula was used to find range of mistakes for all the instructors
From the data there are 116 Male drivers and 124 Female drivers. These numbers will be stratified to get 30% of the total number of drivers. There is 13 missing data pieces in the minor mistakes column.