Term Papers
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Analysis of EU Funded Investment Project for Latvian Rail...-
Analysis of EU Funded Investment Project for Latvian Railway Industry Development
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Anotācija | 1 | |
Abstract | 3 | |
List of abbreviations and conventional symbols | 4 | |
Introduction | 5 | |
1. | Investment assessment methods and risk analysis | 8 |
1.1. | Investment return measurements | 8 |
1.2. | Investment project evaluation methods | 15 |
1.3. | European Union special funds in the area of investment | 34 |
1.4. | Design of the research | 38 |
2. | Influence of the EU funded ”Shunting Locomotives” investment project on LDZ freight turnover | 41 |
2.2. | The importance of C.F. in investment projects of LDz | 52 |
2.2.1. | LDz Projects, which are Funded by the Cohesion Fund | 52 |
Rezekne II reception yard. | 54 | |
2.2.2. | Shunting Locomotives of the Company LDz | 57 |
2.3. | Impact of the Cohesion Fund by an Example of the Project of Updating of the Shunting Locomotive of the Enterprise LDz | 60 |
2.3.1. | Project Summary | 60 |
2.3.2. | Description of the Company Ldz | 62 |
2.3.3. | Services of the Company LDz | 67 |
2.3.4. | Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy | 68 |
2.3.5. | Production Plan | 72 |
2.3.6. | Control and Organization | 77 |
2.3.7. | Financial Plan of the Project | 79 |
2.3.8. | Assessment of the Risks of the Project | 88 |
2.3.9. | Importance of the Cohesion Funds for the Project of Updating of Shunting Locomotives | 94 |
Conclusions and Recommendations | 101 | |
Directions for further research | 104 | |
List of Literature | 105 | |
APPENDIX | 111 |
Conclusions and Recommendations
In the present Master’s thesis, the author has conducted the study of the topic “Analysis of EU funded investment project for Latvian railway industry development”. The main findings of the study are presented below.
As concerns the RQ1 (How important are European cohesion funds in general and for Latvia?):
1. The Cohesion Fund (CF) is one of the European Structural and Investment Funds, which encourages investments in priority trans-European transport networks, as well as investments related to energy or transport, which are beneficial for the environment in terms of energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, transport development and intermodal transport support.
2. Currently, the means of the various European Union funds are used in various sectors, such as transport, environment, innovations, education, science, healthcare, etc. Thus, the EU investment funds are affecting the development of the Latvian economy.
3. At the present moment, the railway industry represented by the state joint stock company LDz is actively involved in attraction of investments of European funds for the implementation of various projects. The company already has a successful experience of completed projects, which include: updating of hot axle box detection system for rolling stock; track renewal of the East-West railway corridor sections; replacement of switches; Rezekne II reception yard.
As concerns the RQ2 (Why modernization of existing locomotive is more preferable against other investment alternatives?):
4. Shunting locomotives very important components of the railway yard of the company LDz. The basic models of diesel locomotives, which are used today, were developed and mastered in the production 40 -50 years ago.
Rail transport plays a key role in the transport system of Latvia and the EU, as the railways are the most adapted to transportation of large volumes of cargo and high passenger traffic. At present most of the projects, which are related to the improvement of transport infrastructure, have been associated with the use of Cohesion Fund resources. Thus, the study of the impact of EU funds on the investment of the project is relevant. The aim of the thesis is to study the impact of EU funds on the investment project of updating of shunting locomotives and turnover of the State Joint Stock Company LDZ in order to secure development of the railway industry in Latvia.
- Analysis of EU Funded Investment Project for Latvian Railway Industry Development
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