Term Papers
Linguistics, Interpreting
The Peculiarities of Translating Expressive Texts-
The Peculiarities of Translating Expressive Texts
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Abstract | 3 | |
Anotācija | 4 | |
Introduction | 6 | |
Chapter 1 | Formal Characteristics And Translation Conditions Of The Expressive Texts | 8 |
1.1. | Expressive Text Type And Literary Genre | 8 |
1.2. | Expressive Text Structure | 11 |
1.3. | Formation Of The Plot | 13 |
1.3. | Text Context, Discourse And Intertextuality | 16 |
Chapter 2 | Linguistic Characteristics And Translation Conditions Of The Expressive Texts | 21 |
2.1. | Text Linguistics | 21 |
2.2. | Translation Levels Of The Literary Style | 22 |
2.3. | Lexis And Culture Specific Words | 25 |
Chapter 3 | Stylistic And Semantic Characteristics And Translation Conditions Of The Expressive Texts | 31 |
3.1. | Simile | 31 |
3.2. | Metaphor | 31 |
3.3. | Contrast and Exaggeration | 33 |
3.4. | Metonymy | 35 |
3.5. | Symbol | 36 |
Chapter 4 | The Analyses Of The Difficulties And Peculiarities Of Salman Rushdie Short Story’s “The Prophet’s Hair” Translation | 40 |
Conclusions | 49 | |
Thesis | 51 | |
Information Sources | 52 |
Within the field of written works, expressive texts are the peaces of evidence that keep both – the aesthetic and the practical value of the language, without narrowing it to any specific aim or use. In order to raise the language value and the content message, it carries with it, around the world and through the ages, the translation science goes hand in hand with linguistics in order to preserve and praise language as the culture and mental phenomenon.
The hypothesis of the qualification paper states – the type of the expressive texts and its translation has a particular theoretical foundation, which determines the consideration of the characteristics and the appliance of peculiar approaches within the practical translation process.
The aim of the qualification paper is to base theoretically and practically the nature and the functional necessity and meaning of the expressive texts within the translation field.
In order to achieve the aim of the qualification paper the following objectives of the qualification paper have been put forward:
1) to analyze the expressive text theories, to find out formal characteristics of the expressive texts and their functionality and meaning within the translation process.
2) to study, analyse and explain the linguistic characteristics of the expressive texts and the translation conditions and possibilities of the literary style.
3) practically study and explain the translation peculiarities and difficulties of the expressive text pattern.
The paper comprises four parts. The theoretically analyses of the expressive text type and linguistic conditions of the literary style has been applied practically upon the translation of Salman Rushdie’s short story “The Prophet’s Hair”.
Chapter 1 Formal Characteristics And Translation Conditions Of The Expressive Texts
1.1. Expressive Text Type And Literary Genre
Different authors (Reiss, Gill, Bühler, de Beaugrande, Dlessler, Verdonk) incline to classify texts according to their intention, language quality, communicative situation, and the way of presenting the content, mainly mentioning three types – informative, expressive and vocative.
According to the most widespread text typology, the author of which is Reiss, expressive texts have been characterized as “creative composition”. “The author uses the aesthetic dimension of language. The author or “sender” is foregrounded, as well as the form of the message.” (11., 73.) Reiss looks to the text typology through the main text functional aspect – the text concept, establishing a link with the translation aim which states the further translation approach. The typology scheme clearly reflects expressive texts as largely different from others; wherewith pointing to the necessity to apply specific translation approaches. Initially the translator must be aware of the text organizational structure, both internal and external aspects. Expressive texts are not only a limited sum of words with informative function; they include all types of language functions, dimensions, and focuses; simultaneously considering and transmitting the most elaborate facts, detailed information and language nuances, as well as the most formal and universal truth from one cultural space to another informational environment. Exactly due to the wide cultural and informational dimension and linguistic depth expressive texts involve the characteristics of all text types, preserving its special sender’s or author’s attitude, strictly corresponding to the aesthetic quality or form. The intention of the expressive texts is to convey the author’s individual message whatever it is in such a linguistic manner as the author expresses it.…
Darbs angļu valodā.Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis ir teorētiski un praktiski pamatot ekspresīvo tekstu būtību, funkcionālo nepieciešamību un nozīmi tulkošanas sfērā.Pirmajā nodaļā apkopotas un analizētas ekspresīvo tekstu formāli raksturojošās īpašības un tulkošanas nosacījumi. Otrā nodaļa ietver ekspresīvo tekstu lingvistiskās funkcionalitātes raksturojošo īpašību un daiļliteratūras valodas tulkošanas nosacījumu skaidrojumu. Trešā nodaļa aplūko teksta stilistiski semantiskās pazīmes un tulkošanas nosacījumus.
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