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Presentations for secondary school15
Problēmas aktualitāte Latvijā Latvijā slāpekļa piesārņojums ir izteikts blīvi apdzīvotajos rajonos, kur ir daudz transportlīdzekļu. Mūsā slāpekļa piesārņojums pārsniedz noteikto ...
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The Construction Process. Būvniecības process
Essays for university8
The location of the buildings is a flat rectangular site, it’s address is 4, Airu street, Riga. The site borders on other building plots. The purpose of the site – the territory of ...
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Socio-Economic Factors of Consumer Behavior: Regional Aspect. Patērētāju uzvedības sociālekonomiskie faktori: reģionālais aspekts
Summaries, Notes for university82
NOBEIGUMS Galvenie secinājumi, atzinumi un konstatējumi Promocijas darbā ar ekonomisko uzvedību apzīmēts pazīmju un rādītāju kopums, kas raksturo patērētāju darbības, ieskaitot ...
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Macroeconomic Theory and Its Failings: Alternative Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis
Summaries, Notes for university4
ENG-LV translation of 30 lines Some prominent mainstream economists attribute the GFC to the deep cuts in US interest rates imposed by the Federal Reserve in the early years of ...
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Summaries, Notes for secondary school6
Niche market /niːʃ/– nišu tirgus a small group of buyers with special need, which may be profitable to sell to(e.g. sports cars) .There is litle or no competition and limited ...
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Great Depression Comparing with Nowadays Economic Crisis
Research Papers for university23
The Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn starting in most places in 1929 and ending at different times in the 1930s or early 1940s for different countries. It was the ...
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My Business Idea
Presentations for secondary school20
Let`s discuss Product lifecycle Well, everything starts at the point “development” when I with my colleagues bakers decide what product to put on the market. When we have ...