Flamingo Bay Waterpark Safety Regulation Process
All attractions are checked at the beginning of every season
This includes a single and multiple point failure analysis on every part of the control
system’s mechanics, software and hardware.
2. Daily checks.
These checks are carried out at 7am every morning before the park opens by the inpark maintenance team. Specific maintenance checks have been allocated to all rides depending on their age and technical background.
3. Once a year external inspectors also conduct checks.
This tends to happen at the beginning of every season before visitors are allowed in
to the waterpark. Applus is the organisation that provides our general inspections,
ride and device inspections etc.
4. Revisiting training
Staff revisit all training at the beginning of every season and are subject to surprise
audits throughout the entire time that the park is open to the public. This includes
CPR, monitoring, aquatic operations and education and training with the emergency