Offsite data backups. It is necessary to consider the need to store copies of key documents, data and systems away from the main office. Off-site storage is readily available in all major towns and cities, and part of the back-up and recovery strategy is to ensure that copies of data records and vital documents are stored at an alternative safe location.
Replication. In replication, critical data is maintained and updated for immediate retrieval. This strategy allows multiple copies of data at different locations. When data at a site is modified, the updated data is replicated across all locations. This strategy is employed to minimize the downtime of business operations and to obtain mission critical information.
Record Dispersal. Another strategy for data and documentation recovery is to distribute copies of critical data across other locations. For this purpose, an organisation maintains redundant data centres. If the original copy of the data is destroyed in a disaster, its copies can be used readily.
Record re-creation. In this strategy managers or IT personnel take input from customers and data users. However depending on the size of the organisation, this strategy is time consuming.