Magic is the second oldest profession that exists today. It has not always been
accepted by the people. In medieval times people who were thought to practice magic were
sentenced to death. Around the mid 1900's magic began to serve as entertainment. Magic
is an ability that requires a lot of skill and patience. In this time it was very difficult to make
a living out of magic. There are many types of magic, some examples are : close up magic,
stage magic, mentalism, illusionism and escapism. The art of being an escape artist is
considered the most difficult type of magic to practice because it not only consist of a few
props and tricks but also involves physical ability. There has been one man that with hard
work and a special talent triumphed not only in close up and stage magic but as an escape
artist, his name... Harry Houdini. Houdini op to now, is considered to be the greatest
magician ever to live.