For Christians, this is known as tithe. Believers are expected to contribute ten percent of there salary to the church for God's purposes (Morris, 197).
Also, some of the differences between Islam and Christianity are clearly discerned in the holy books of the Bible and the Koran. One such example is the sacrifice of Abraham. This event is interpreted very differently in both religions. Both books make the acknowledgement that Abraham was willing to make a "tremendous sacrifice" (Shamoun, 57). However, the difference between the interpretations lies in the name of Abraham's son. For example the bible says, "By faith, Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son" (Hebrews, 11:17). With this the Bible affirms that it was indeed Isaac who was offered up as the sacrifice. In Koran, however, Ishmael is the one who is purportedly offered up for sacrifice as Abraham's only son (Sura 11: 69-73).
Another incident that is disputed between the two religions is the Virgin Birth and the Nature of Jesus. …