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ID number:159367
Published: 12.06.2024.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Once upon a time, in a small village lived a beautiful young girl known for her brilliant mind, caring hands and exceptional singing voice. Her mother was always very protective of her as she was her only child. The child was exceptionally gifted when born; her eyes always sparkled with divine wisdom and a sense of knowledge. However, her Grandmother knew from the very beginning that her knowledge and intellect would get her in trouble. She went to a witch and asked for her help in a worry. The witch chanted three times, "Make me fall, make me rain, let me free out of strain," in a strange tone and gave her a necklace where in the very centre was placed the most beautiful ruby stone in a shape of a teardrop. She told her, "Put this around the child's neck and make sure she never takes it off. If the ruby will stay on her heart, her intelligence and wisdom will be unseen by the rest of the village, and she will stay safe."
That day, Grandmother came home and approached her grandchild; she placed the ruby necklace around her neck and said, "From this day, you will be called Ruby. The one that shines in our lives and warms our hearts with her presence and love."
One day, her mother told her, "You must go and visit your Grandmother. She does not feel well. Take this basket, and bring her medicine, food and tea."…

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