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ID number:159789
Published: 12.04.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 4 units
References: Not used

How Does Team Building Work?
Often the team leader or manager will facilitate a series of meetings at which employees get to know each other and develop cohesive working relationships.

Ideas for Team-building Activities
For example, you could start with a department picnic, using a couple of hours during the workday to visit a nearby park. Grill some food and suggest that employees bring a dish to pass.
The goal is that you gather together to share some quality talking time over the meal. If employees take their lunches to their individual offices to eat alone, it defeats the goal of team building.

The best team building activities are inexpensive, fun, and effective—not to mention local and easy to do.
Events that are physically challenging, such as rock climbing and ropes courses, can cause dread and fear for physically inactive or challenged employees.

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