Francijas periods T.Spādes dzīvē
T.Spāde Francijā pavada aptuveni 2 gadus- no 1927. gada līdz 1929. gadam, taču, pēc nozīmes tas ir viens no piesātinātākajiem
posmiem viņa dzīvē
T.Spāde Francijā ne tikai mācījās, bet arī veica sava veida diplomātisko darbību.
T.Spādes ārpolitiskā darbība ir saistīta ar Latvijas valsts kopējo ārpolitiku starpkaru periodā.
French battle ships visiting the Baltic States.
In the early 1920s, the French navy visited ports in the Baltic States with a view to represent the power of France`s navy, thus competing with the influence of England.
In the early 1920s, French navy made regular visits to Baltic ports. On 16 July 1921, a French gun boat called “La Marne” arrived in the port of Riga, and it helped the Latvian forces to fight off Bermont troops in 1919.
French phenomenon
The relationship between Latvia and France was complicated due to the French desire to collect Tsarist Russia`s war debts by transferring them to the countries bordering Russia, including the Republic of Latvia. The historical traditions of England as a sea superpower also played a significant role , shaping the opninions of many Latvian politicians and military officers in favor of England.