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ID number:300209
Published: 13.03.2017.
Language: Latvian
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Permanent population of Latvians is rapidly decreasing, in 2011 the population was about 88509 more than in 2015.
Government Demographic Commission is a public body established to promote national demographic policy and inform the media, which is done comparatively weak.
The majority of respondents are worried about career opportunities in Latvia, named disadvantages in Latvia may be the reason for the migration abroad.
The death rate exceeds the birth rate, creating a negative natural growth.

Government need to implement policy which promotes citizens from returning abroad, like offering support for house purchase such as state guarantees or reduced interest rates.
Government Demographic Commission needs to be more active in informing citizens about plans and progress, to include information about social guarantees, services and social assistance.
Government Demographic Commission need to promote vacancies in state institutions, offering internships, it’s prevents brain-drain of specialists .
The Parliament needs to adapt laws to increase birth rates, for example, by reducing the tax burden on large families, getting fund from higher taxes on tobacco and introducing of childlessness tax.

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