Belonging to a Certain Society
In the beginning of this article I tried to look for answers to questions like what is society, what makes one person to be included, but another one not. Who sets these rules and why do we follow them? Through this research I have found that these questions are hard to answer, because the world is in a never ending cycle of change. Although the basic society is historically, culturally, traditionally based, the modern world provides us many limitations towards what society is in this century. It can be as small a unit as family, or as well as big as the whole country with its traditions and cultural and political elements and beliefs. And as the world has picked up the sides of modernization and globalization people have become both, more open to novities, but also more private to admit and accept what is theirs. Such things as to feel accepted is difficult. If years ago it was a matter of a country, these days it is more than that. To belong to a community is a wide concept. A person can belong to a group of minorities, by their sexual features, gender beliefs, political ideologies, nationality, race, religion and so on. It is not even possible to name it all, because with the sciences becoming available to most parts of society, there are many questions that need to be answered, and these answers cause even more questions. Those holding the power are the ones giving us the “green pass” as being generous and convincing that we have the choice of freedom and the possibility to be included in the society that we strive to belong to. But in difficult times, where a simple human being has no big impact, those with the power set the guidelines to what we are and to which group we belong.
Darbs ir pētījums, kas izriet no sociālzinātnēm un sevī iekļauj tēmas, kas saistītas ar dzimuma interpretāciju, iekļaušanos sabiedrībā, pasaules kārtības un varas maiņu, kas izriet no globalizācijas un citiem faktoriem. Judith Butler un Zygmunt Bauman ir šī pētījuma resursu svarīgs atsauces avots. Nacionalitāte, seksuālā piederība un uzskati, reliģija tiek apspriesti šajā darbā. The main goal of this article is to look at society, the way people accept or even do not accept each other. Who are those that regulate the rules of different communities. You will be able to find research from such activists as Judith Butler who has a big role in gender studies, Zygmunt Bauman who has a great insight to how globalization has shaped the movement of the modern world as well as views of other activists, cowering topics of feminism, immigrants and other topics important to modern society. Trough this article you will find comparisons to the modern day problems and actualities that currently has affected our society. You will be able to find out what holds the power, who draws the lines on borders of normality, inclusiveness, and acceptability. There will be some guidelines on opinions to who is a desirable person and who is not, whether constituted by one's religion, nationality, sexual beliefs, or a status in their community. The rights of both genders, but mostly women are looked through in this article. The main goal here has been to find and answer on how to belong to a community of someone's preference. Globalization, industrial revolution and modernization are factors that greatly have influenced human kind and their ideologies.
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