The waterproof tarpaulin cover was fitted over the upper part of the stow. The plastic sheets covering packages did not have high friction coating and become slippery when wet. The bearers provided little friction between the tiers of the deck cargo when wet.
Nevertheless Master could make a decision earlier to reduce the speed and to alter her course to avoid heavy weather area in the Mid-Atlantic thus the crew could tighten the lashings every day.
To answer questions in the subject and to prepare report for the case study I looked through the available materials published on the internet. Very useful and relevant I found incident reports published by the Marine Incident Investigation Branch. That I used as a background of my study. However, in addition I familiarized myself with guidelines provided by the Protection and Indemnity associations, International Maritime Organization, Classification society guidelines and Code of Safe Working Practice for Carriage of Timber Deck Cargoes, that I referenced in my work. Nevertheless useful and guidelining material for the study of timber deck cargo I found study material provided in the Module A.